
Lacing up.

Today is September 15.
On December 4th I will run the St. Jude Half-Marathon in Memphis for the second time. 

Why am I not motivated to train!?!?!  Ugh.

Taking the first step is always the hardest for me.  I know that if I just get out there and run, then I will remember how much I enjoy it.
I want to run.
I want to run.
I want to run.

Goals for this year's race:
#1-Beat last year's time (2 hours, 38 minutes...I think)
#2-RUN the entire race....no walking, none, nada
#3-Keep up with Lauren the whole time....Last year she left me at mile 9 when I almost died.  Thank goodness for that Gu I found at the water station!  Luckily I was able to catch her.

I can do this.

1 comment:

  1. Note to you: I was the one chasing after you around mile 11ish. Remember?? I was the one saying "shoot me, please shoot me!" You were the one chugging along just fine all full of Gu!

    My goal is to keep up with you!


What say you?